Trusted by brands across the globe

A complete platform to take your content to the next level

Customizable interfaces tailored to every need.

FanHero creates big impact

Real-world success stories: Explore our collection of case studies showcasing the power of FanHero's platform.
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1 Million+ Viewers
1 Million+ Viewers

See how the most popular Brazilian soccer team’s online video subscription service and live streaming events have over 1 million views.

See how the most popular Brazilian soccer team’s online video subscription service and live streaming events have over 1 million views.
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700+ Hosted Videos
700+ Hosted Videos

With over 700 pieces of original content and new uploads every week, learn how BJJFlix has established itself as a leader in the industry.

With over 700 pieces of original content and new uploads every week, learn how BJJFlix has established itself as a leader in the industry.
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Movie Desck
30% Increase in Revenue
30% Increase in Revenue

Find out how Movie Desck has seen a 30% increase in revenue by implementing FanHero.

Find out how Movie Desck has seen a 30% increase in revenue by implementing FanHero. Find out how Movie Desck

All the tools and features you need, in one product

From content creation to community engagement and monetization, FanHero has it all.
What can you build with FanHero?
Live Streaming
Online Community
Online Courses
Virtual Events
Video Website