4 Reasons You Should Be Live Streaming Your Worship Services

As community faith leaders start to incorporate technology into their practices, one innovation has been generating a lot of interest: live streaming.

Live streaming religious services provides an economical path to building a larger, more connected audience- without losing the personal touch.

Here are four reasons your religious organization should look into live streaming:

1. Attract new members live streaming worship services

Newcomers to an area often look online to explore nearby houses of worship.

This isn’t news to most faith leaders; most organizations have their own websites or even blogs. What might be surprising is the effect live content has on search engine optimization.

Regular live content boosts an organization’s SEO ratings, making it easier for new members to find. This is especially important considering that only 25% of people even look at the second page of search results.

As an added benefit, live streamed services offer a low-risk way for people to “test drive” the service.

It gives them a sense of familiarity that can make them more comfortable attending in person.

2. Provide an uninterrupted ministry

Life is complicated, and sometimes members can’t attend services for a week or two.

Often it’s for a good reason:

  • Illness
  • Caretaking duties
  • Travel
  • Attending university
  • Ministry work abroad
  • Public safety restrictions

The problem is, one absence can lead to a longer pattern of erratic attendance, or even a break with the organization.

Live streamed services provide uninterrupted contact with members who can’t attend personally, helping them to feel comfortable staying in the community.

3. Support underserved demographics

There are three heavily underserved demographics across faith groups: younger generations, members with disabilities, and smaller areas without a diverse selection of faith-based communities.

Attendance at worship services is low and has been going down among younger demographics. Millennials and Gen Z are highly internet-savvy demographics.

They connect more easily with online solutions like live streams than just showing up to try a service. They find it easier to attend events if they already feel like part of the community through online attendance.

Live streaming opens doors for those with disabilities who have difficulty attending in person, too.

It’s a sad truth that many beautiful old buildings aren’t very accessible to disabled members. Instead of trying to individually visit these members (which is both difficult and restricts the size of the ministry), live stream the services to give them a way to interact with their community in real time.

For those who have no preferred religious services in their areas, live streaming is a way to extend a welcoming hand.

It can also build membership somewhere that could lead to a new location.

4. Build a personal connection

Some faith leaders hesitate to live stream from a fear it’s less personal.

They fear it will drive away members. In practice, the opposite is true. 62% of religious communities see higher attendance when they live stream their services.

Modern live streaming is seen as more personal than recorded videos of sermons. It encourages audience participation, letting members contribute prayer requests or questions that can be answered live.

Plus live streaming extends conversation past the end of the service through comments and shares. This preference is reflected in material ways as well.

Houses of worship who offer online services like live streaming and online tithing increases income by 32%.

Future-Focused Faith

Live streaming can build a bridge between faith and an ever-changing changing society.

Keeping that strong, flexible connection to their members is the best way religious organizations can maintain and grow their communities.

Give your members a way to take their faith wherever they go- live stream!

If you’re ready to explore a live connection with your community, we can help. Set up a demo with one of our technical advisors today!


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