Video CMS

Take full control
of your content

Create, manage, store, publish and distribute your videos in one place.

Never convert another video file

FanHero automatically transcodes and stores your content

Upload one or hundreds of videos and share them with anyone with individual URLs

Deliver high-quality video that can be played on any device and screen size

Supports an ever-growing list of video formats, including AVI, MP4, MPG, WMA, MP3, M4V, and more

Secure Video Management

Videos aren't like other digital files. With FanHero you upload and distribute your content securely and at scale.

Permission-based content

Set permissions, send private links, lock videos, or an entire collection with a password.

Encrypt videos or a full collection and share access with a password.

All the storage
you need

FanHero scales with you. You pay only for what you use and nothing more.

Host an unlimited number of videos and only pay for what you use.

Make sense of
your video revenue

Access more data and gain real insights into your monetization
Find out how viewers are consuming your content, the number of subscriptions and more.

Take control of your video with fanhero

Take control of your video with fanhero