Case Study

Atom S.A

Revolutionizing Professional Development and Financial Education

"When Atom S.A. came to us with their goal to reshape professional development and financial education, we were eager to provide our expertise and technology to help them make an impact."

FanHero CEO


Atom S.A. has impacted over 60,000 individuals with its transformative training programs.


As the largest traders' desk in Latin America, Atom S.A. uses its expertise to prepare individuals for a new work model that can lead to financial freedom.


Innovation is at the core of Atom S.A.'s operations, with over 30,000 users, 150 hours of live content per month, 7 courses, 10 new releases in 2022, over 30 talks, and 15 series.


A plataforma completa para seu desenvolvimento profissional na odontologia.
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Plataforma de cursos na área da saúde, de médico para médico.
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Escola do Criador

Vamos transformar vocĂŞ no criador de conteĂşdo que o mercado deseja. E o melhor? Sem custo!.
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Niu Cursos

Aqui vocĂŞ aprende a viver o mundo real, entender e fazer ele funcionar!
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Impact Play

O idioma mais importante do líder da nova era é a linguagem das emoções.
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Nosso foco é oferecer soluções eficientes e inovadoras em malhas e tecidos.
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Grupo de Líderes Empresariais é uma organização que reúne executivos dos mais variados setores de atuação.
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Upper School

Edutainment. Aprenda com conteĂşdos interativos.
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The Journey

Atom S.A., also known as Atom Educacional and Atom Traders, is a leading institution in professional development and financial education in Latin America. Their mission is to transform the lives of Brazilians through knowledge, offering new potential income sources. In partnership with FanHero, Atom S.A. sought to create a digital product that would serve as a comprehensive resource for financial education and professional development.

The Power of the Product

With FanHero’s robust Video Technology Cloud™, Atom S.A. offers a comprehensive product featuring live content, courses, talks, and series. This product has become a cornerstone for individuals seeking to enhance their professional skills and attain financial freedom responsibly and intelligently. Major Milestones:
    • Innovative Education: Atom S.A. offers 7 distinct courses and plans to launch 10 more in 2022.
    • Extensive Content: The product features over 150 hours of live content per month, over 30 talks, and 15 series.
  • Empowering Users: Over 30,000 users have accessed Atom S.A.’s resources to enhance their professional skills and financial knowledge.
Our collaboration with FanHero has been instrumental in our journey to reshape professional development and financial education. We're excited about our future endeavors with FanHero."
Atom S.A. CEO

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